Chinese Resentment Increase Summary

Applied whenever an unestablished marker is placed in an Area:
• Interest marker in a Chinese Empire Area: +2
• Influence marker in a Chinese Empire Area: +4
• Protectorate marker in a Chinese Empire Area: +10
• Possession marker in a Chinese Empire Area: +15
• Protectorate marker in a Chinese Vassal Area: +3
• Possession marker in a Chinese Vassal Area: +6

Applied during the Chinese Resentment Phase, before rolling the dice to determine if a Chinese rebellion occurs:
• Each Protectorate in a Chinese Empire Area: +3
• Each Possession in a Chinese Empire Area: +5

Note: markers placed outside the Movement/Status Change phase (i.e. during Negotiations, Congress, or as part of War Resolutions) do not cause an immediate Chinese Resentment Increase, excepting, of course, at the end of a Chinese rebellion